Wednesday, October 29, 2008


The Kids Favors came today! I love, love , LOVE them.

I got cute little crayon roll ups for the kids under 10. I have to find some Piratey coloring pages to go with them, but that won't be hard. I'm absolutely over the moon for them. I wanted something for the little ones so they could not only have something special, but I wanted them to have something to keep them amused during the reception in case they aren't dancers.

Sunday, October 26, 2008



That's the total number of Guests right now. Including Children. So it's probably closer to 170 Adults. Matt's Aunt sent me a list of names and addresses. But I don't know who on there has kids or how many they have.

I know that the list will get bigger before it gets any smaller. And I'm not terribly worried yet. Because no matter what we'll be charged for 150 Guests. So I'd prefer to make sure I have at least that many so I'm not buying dinner for imaginary people!

BUT! This also means that the Ceremony might be tricky. Anything over 75 Chairs I have to pay for. I've been debating what to do about that. I know people usually skip out on the Ceremony, which is fine, but our Reception is right after. So people could skip out on the boring part... but then they'll miss part of the Cocktail hour happenings.

Oh well, no sense in me worrying now about what everyone else is doing during my Reception then. : P

Monday, October 20, 2008

DIY Invitations?

So, God hates me. I can NOT find invitations I like. I am also amused that I'm this worried about something that will potentially end up in the garbage. I've found 2 that I like so far. I'm not nut-so in love with either though. I am however in love with the fact that they will let me put WHATEVER I want on them.

I'm in love with the prices of one- but not the other. $4.40 per invite seems like an awful lot.

I didn't want to make my own invitations. Mostly because we don't own a working printer! I didn't want to make them because that was just one more thing that could go wrong. I'm not worried too much about it because I know that I still have plenty of time to get this done.

I'm just annoyed that I'm this knit-picky.

So, Pictures.

Photos by Aaron Ingrao

He doesn't like his hair in most. I don't like my head positioning in others. Gee we make a great pair. : P

But these are my 2 favorites. They'd be used on our Save the Date Cards. Thoughts?

In other news, Aaron Ingrao is boss sauce.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

In no particular order

Snow Patrol: Open Your Eyes.

Michael Buble: Save the Last Dance

Snow Patrol: Signal Fire

James Morrison: You Give Me Something

- - - -
Have you noticed a trend? Mind you, this is not how I have them ranked. This is just how I stuck 'em in there.

Well, in the process that is copying and pasting from YouTube I've taken 2 off the list. Granted- I love Feist and Frou Frou. So this list maybe revised to include them. It's just that some of their songs seem like they'd be uncomfortable to dance to. [read: icky tempo]

But who knows really.

Pictures in the Park

Tomorrow morning we're heading out to have some Pictures taken. There are probably less then 10 pictures of Matt and I together. Which isn't a lot when you think about how long we've been dating. And then take in to account that we've been living together for pretty much that entire time.

So here's to hoping that it's money well spent AND that we don't clash.

Trying to find nice clothes that were warm enough, but comfy enough proved to be a difficult task. Mostly because I wanted our outfits to look A-Ok paired together.

So we'll see how I did.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Song

So, Matt and I have only danced together once. Which means that in the next few months we're going to be taking Dance Classes. Not because we neeeeeed to learn to dance, but because I'd rather have it go smoothly. And this will give me something to look forward to during the weeks that get terribly busy.

And us being who we are, we don't have a song. I will attribute most of this to our vastly different music tastes. That being said, there are places that they overlap, but not many.

So this is where I am going to ask you, our devoted readers to chime in. I've been looking for a song for us to dance to. I've found oodles that I like. And as luck would have it- he hasn't objected to any of them yet. Although I think once he sees what a dance instructor might want us to DO to the music... his feelings might change!

So send me your suggestions. Whether you know us well or not, let me hear 'em!

If you don't want to sign up for a Blogger account or if you don't have a Google account you can always email them to me.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Father in Law to the rescue!

He sent me an email today saying he found a Six Pence.

Oh, happy day!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Something borrowed? Something new?

This just hit me, so please excuse me while I get all sorts of overly emotional and bittersweet on you.

I have something old, which has blue flowers on it. So I can check old and blue off. I've found several six pence online, so if I can't find one locally I'll have that soon too. I know I have 10-11 months to find something borrowed. And I'm suuuuuuure that I'll get something new around then. But the borrowed bit makes me sad. For lots of reasons which we don't need to get into.

But how in the hell do I go about that?! I can't just ask every woman in my family for something. That'd just be weird.

"Hey, I'm getting Married. Gimme yer stuff. Thanks!"

Hmmm, maybe I can get me a little bit of Livernois.

See ya later George!

Yesterday I went and signed all of the contracts for the Reception and Ceremony, and made the rest of my deposits. It seems so strange to me to not have to go back there for another 9 months. Well only strange because I have so much done that I just want to get everything over there taken care of as well. I know that 2 months is more than enough time for them to order napkins and do whatever else they need to. I'm just ready and raring to go.

I'm trying to keep myself on track with other things that need to be done. So that way when I do go to see Kristen again I have everything done and the meeting can be as painless as possible! Not to mention I'll need the next 9 months to label everything.

I have to have a 2" label on everything that I'm leaving at the site. Decorations, favors, cake knives, place cards etc. I also have to give them an itemized list and count of everything I'm bringing in, along with any special instructions. Seems a bit silly to me, but I'd rather label it all and leave it so they can put the favors and cards out. God only knows that I don't want to spend 3-4 hours circling tables putting things on them.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bridal Party Woes

First we weren't having a Bridal Party. Then it was just a MoH and a BM. Now, I sit and think that I'd like to add 1-2 more into the mix. Now, I'm not naming names for now. Because this may just be a momentary thought- like so much of this planning has been... and I'd really rather not get anyone's hopes up or offend people. I know that it doesn't really matter what they think. Because this has little to do with them and has everything to do with me. I also don't want to deal with the possibility of rejection. Although highly unlikely, still a possibility.

And for the moment I do enjoy the picture in my head of my Brother standing next to Matt. And Matt's Sister standing next to me.

When Matt and I first started talking about it after they both accepted, it was completely political. Like they were making an announcement at the end of a commercial. Which made us both laugh.

"My name is Joseph VonSowerby, and I approve of this man for my Sister."

Granted, that's not how it is, or how it will be. But that's how it plays out in my head for now. And I guess the up shot is that I'm not looking at ugly dresses for Bridesmaids. So if I do have an actual "party" they won't hate me for putting them in sea foam green.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


The more I think about the tables, the more upset I get. I don't want them to look like a 7 year olds birthday party. But we are encouraging people to dress up if they so choose. Because what would a Pirate Wedding be without a few scoundrels and scalawags? I mean honestly!

I wanted votives with sand and little pirate-esque things in the sand around the candles. But after watching Bridezillas [terrible I know], I'm starting to dig the big pillars in hurricane type glasses. She put too much crap in the glasses in my humble opinion. But that's her choice at her Wedding.

I wanted the tables to be fun. I wanted to put plastic swords and eye patches around the place settings. I wanted terribly large shiny rings. But now I'm afraid that it might look too juvenile.


Friday, October 3, 2008

There isn't much left to do....

...but wait.

I'm not sure how I got as much done as I did in the first month.

But I have a dress, a venue and entertainment. I need to sketch out what I want in a cake and then that will be all set. I've picked out tuxes for the Boys and a Dress for the MoH. I don't have centerpieces yet but I have some ideas, so I'm getting there. There are 2 things that I am not looking forward to. Because they're the most tedious and obnoxious.

Invitations and Guest Lists.

I found invitations that I like. But I wanted to have the invitations them selves in pirate speak. I don't know if I can sell Matt on that point. But I'm going to try. And as far as the Guest List goes, for now I'm just waiting for people to get back to me with addresses. We haven't set a number in stone as to what we cannot and will not go over. But I'm sure that that day will come soon enough.

I still need to find a florist and an officiant as well. Although I have a feeling that the florist will be easier.

I keep telling myself that I'm ahead of the game... but it doesn't feel like it