Thursday, May 28, 2009

I think I'm finally starting to let go.

I made my LAST Florist Appointment. I bought 18 little boats. I bought a new veil. I got myself some adorable shoes. I've even got my something borrowed. It's winding down. But everyday I smile because there's a Wedding coming. A ridiculous party. A fabulous good time. And it's all mine to share.

I've stopped freaking out about things- because I can't anymore. I can't stop whatever is going to happen. I can hope for the best and deal with the troubles as I get them. I wish I had done this sooner. I'd still like Matt and I to take a dance lesson of seven before September, but if we don't? We can fake it... just like everyone else.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Someone asked me recently when Matt and I were going to drop the whole Pirate thing. And it got me thinking... do I have to? Ever? No not really. You do what you want on your Anniversary, I'll do what I want on mine. If someone is honestly disturbed, dismayed or bothered by Pirates being involved in a Wedding that is not in fact their own, they are more than welcome to stay home in September. I'll have all of their fun for them. It's ok, I don't mind really.

I don't honestly think that Matt and I will still calling it swashbuklin' on our 50th Anniversary. But who knows? Maybe we'll be terrible old people obsessed with puns and other ridiculousness. Maybe we'll spend the rest of our days swabbing poopdecks and manning mast heads... but probably not. We'll have french toast though. Every Saturday if I can help it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

There's a Weddin' in my future.

I totally let out a little squee when I hung up the phone. My Aunt just called to tell me that she's gotten a few reply cards in the mail for the shower. Now, I didn't think that they'd be out and about that fast. And I know that there are people who haven't gotten them yet. But man oh man- this kinda makes me stop and look around.

I have a Wedding to go to. Mine.
I have a smallish to do list, which is better than a big one.
But I need to get my bee-hind in gear.

I need to figure out if this Photobooth is in the Budget or not. I'm so very digging on it. Mostly because it would serve 2-ish purposes. Favors and Guestbook. MAN OH MAN! If only money were no object. But it is. And I do not have unlimited time to decide.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Registries on Fire.

I some how managed to get myself THREE Target Accounts all tied to one email address. Their Customer Service Rep assured me that what he was seeing was an impossibility. He was wrong. I did in fact have three, and the crisis has thus been averted.

Apparently the other 2 accounts caught up with me yesterday because I couldn't actually log in to add things to the Registry. I found it when I would search for it- but I did not posses enough mojo to log in and edit it. I was more than a little worried. Mostly because it's chock full of stuff we need/want. Matt hated the first trip to Target so I could only imagine what would happen the second time around.


Hmm, I managed to walk away mid thought. And here I am coming back to the keyboard almost 3 hours later. So I say oh well, it can wait.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


The Bridal Shop I bought my Dress from was seized on Friday. I may or may not have a Veil at this point. Because I assume they ordered it. But I don't know for sure. Awesome. I have to find out if I have a Veil or not and I need to find a seamstress.
