Thursday, May 14, 2009

Someone asked me recently when Matt and I were going to drop the whole Pirate thing. And it got me thinking... do I have to? Ever? No not really. You do what you want on your Anniversary, I'll do what I want on mine. If someone is honestly disturbed, dismayed or bothered by Pirates being involved in a Wedding that is not in fact their own, they are more than welcome to stay home in September. I'll have all of their fun for them. It's ok, I don't mind really.

I don't honestly think that Matt and I will still calling it swashbuklin' on our 50th Anniversary. But who knows? Maybe we'll be terrible old people obsessed with puns and other ridiculousness. Maybe we'll spend the rest of our days swabbing poopdecks and manning mast heads... but probably not. We'll have french toast though. Every Saturday if I can help it.

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