Friday, March 5, 2010 much as I hate tickers

We have two now. There had been one at the very BOTTOM of the page, but I doubt anyone really looked there after the posts got long. If you haven't so much been playing along at home the one will be a bit of a shock, and I apologize. Surprise! I figured keeping them at the bottom would be too much scrolling. And you might not see them. So now BOTH tickers are up top. Exciting no?

I heart the Office, let's just get that out of the way. Matt doesn't really. He enjoys the banter between Jim and Dwight- but I think that's about it. I would say that what's about to follow is hormone induced, but I know deep down inside it's not. It's the truth.

There have been episodes of the Office that have struck a chord in me in the past. But his past season Ms Beasley has made me feel better about all most ALL of the crazy I've felt. I still have the Wedding Episode saved on our DVR, dontjudgeme. But watching her freak out about labor last night made me breathe a very large sigh of relief.

I've been so afraid that something will go wrong, I'll want give up or I won't be able to physically DO it. My father and Matt are proving to be a wonderful cheering section. They keep telling me that I'll be able to do it- I will find a way. My dad was pretty funny about it, he said he wasn't sure how women did it- but they find a way through. I really don't know what I did to get a dad like this, but I'm pretty thankful. Matt has remained calm even through my freak outs, thankgod. I don't think it would end well if we both spent all our time worrying.

1 comment:

salamanda76 said...

I got a little freaked out the closer I got to my due date. I think it's actually good that Nora came 2 1/2 weeks early because I didn't have time to get excessively worked up about my fears. But they were plentiful, believe me. I had over two hours of pushing, so at some point I did declare that I couldn't do it anymore and I was seriously ready for someone to cut me open and just get her out already. But my midwife is spectacular and she made me keep going. And John was smart enough to know that I didn't need fake encouragement, but his expert brand of silent steadiness. Overly enthusiastic and perky people wouldn't have done well for me.

I'm not gonna lie, it kinda sucks to give birth, but it's doable. I'm a giant wimp and I managed to do it. I highly recommend the kegels. Not just so you don't pee yourself at the end of the pregnancy, but also because it does help with the pushing. My midwife, funny woman that she is, complimented me on how strong my pelvic muscles were.

John and I had several good laughs over last night's episode. Everything from after she gave birth was so like how we were. Except that John had no idea how to change diapers. Now he's a pro, though I'm still not sure he could diaper a cat.