Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is there anybody out there?

Just nod if you can hear me.

So- I've left you alone for a while. And I'm sorry about that, Facebook is far more shiny and entertaining. I've had a house to try to maintain, which I've been failing at miserably [but more on that later]. I've just gotten all wrapped up in life. Which is funny because people kept telling me that I'd be so bored when all of the Wedding planning and hub-bub ended. When in reality- when that stopped I went back to living my life. I know it seems silly to say that my life was on hold for the 9-12 months of planning, but in a way it was. There were so many things that had to get done on a time table and in a specific order- other things just had to wait. The gas bill still got paid, dinner was still made; but anything that didn't need to get done was left to be done at a later date.

Which finds us in the wonderful spot we are today, terribly behind in everything. We'll get it all done, after all he did say forever. ; )

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