Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Song

So, Matt and I have only danced together once. Which means that in the next few months we're going to be taking Dance Classes. Not because we neeeeeed to learn to dance, but because I'd rather have it go smoothly. And this will give me something to look forward to during the weeks that get terribly busy.

And us being who we are, we don't have a song. I will attribute most of this to our vastly different music tastes. That being said, there are places that they overlap, but not many.

So this is where I am going to ask you, our devoted readers to chime in. I've been looking for a song for us to dance to. I've found oodles that I like. And as luck would have it- he hasn't objected to any of them yet. Although I think once he sees what a dance instructor might want us to DO to the music... his feelings might change!

So send me your suggestions. Whether you know us well or not, let me hear 'em!

If you don't want to sign up for a Blogger account or if you don't have a Google account you can always email them to me.


Pepe De Pew said...

My last wedding song didn't work out so well. Therefore I won't make any positive suggestions; however here are some other songs.

popular wedding songs that are hard to dance to;
Chicken Dance

popular songs that you probably shouldn't hear;
Ring of Fire AKA LOTR theme song

Other songs;
Lydia the Tattoed Lady
The Lumberjack Song
Alice's Restaurant
Beethoven's Ode to Joy

Griff said...

final countdown
wanted dead or alive

Unknown said...

Griffiths, you're fired.

salamanda76 said...

John and I didn't really have a song that was "ours" either. It's not like in the old days of high school when your song would have been one you had already enjoyed together at a dance or something. So we had a couple of contenders and were leaning heavily towards "Something" by the Beatles, until I somehow came up with "It's Oh So Quiet" by Bjork. I can't even remember how I thought of it, but it's really quite perfect for us since it alternates between waltz and swing repeatedly. One downside was that my slightly off-shoulder dress made it difficult to lift my arms real high for some of the more fun swing moves. Still, it was awesome.

You've got time to figure it out. I'm sure something brilliant will come to you.

Unknown said...

There are 6 that I'm diggin' on. Two of them are songs that I liked before, but the others are new. I've been thinking of posting the videos of my top 3. And letting people vote. One of them gave me goosebumps the first time I heard it. Another made me cry.

I had joked about Barry Manilow's "Can't Smile Without You," but he wasn't so keen on that one. When we went to see Hellboy 2, he and I stayed until the end of the Credits singing along. Which makes me smile.

But now I've decided, TO YOUTUBE!

Smee said...

How 'bout "The Hokey- Pokey?" Always a crowd favorite! Sorry, Can't be fired!