Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's amazing what a box implies. Behind me is a very big box. This box means several things.

A. Painting needs to be done, yesterday.
2. Floors should be sanded, soon.
C. There should be someone else sleeping here, someday.

Matt's middle brothers moved the crib and changing table into the babes room, because I really didn't know where else to have them put them. But now there is this looming monster in the corner. It brings such a mixed bag of emotions for me. I'm so excited to have her [and be done with being pregnant] but I'm worried about getting things done. My sister pointed out to me last night that she won't know if I don't have matching curtains in her room when she comes home. And she won't care if my living room isn't spotless. I guess I just don't want the house to end up a disaster. I want her to have a safe and pretty home. I know that it can all be done- I'm just going to have to ask for help and potentially work through a nap or two and deal with some heartburn.

It may sound silly, but I don't want to bring her into a house. I want to bring her home. And right now? It doesn't really feel like one to me. Hopefully I can change that in less than 80 days. We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

12 and change...

We're almost to 28 weeks, which means soon it will be a single digit countdown.


I'm hoping that the nervous starts to subside and the excited bubbles up more. The nervous mostly applies to the house, I want entirely too much done before she gets here. I wanted things cleaned and organized. I don't know how we're going to gel those first few days or weeks, so I want to make sure that Matt and I both know where everything is and we can get at what we need quickly. We've made some amazing progress in terms of getting rid of some of the excess in the basement and organizing the upstairs. There's still a bit of moving to do and some hefty painting- but I'm feeling better about it after our VERY productive weekend. And with 3.5 more days off this week I think I might be able to knock most of the painting off the to do list!

Friday, May 14, 2010

I got nervous a few days ago when I realized people had to be looking at our registry- because something else was missing. Couple this with the fact that we really haven't made any new progress in/on the house in the last few weeks and I'm an even bigger ball of nerves. I'm hoping to get one or BOTH of our desks in the basement this weekend, if that happens I'll be one step closer to painting the babe's room. I suppose I could worry about painting the play room first, I don't worry about that because I know that while it would be nice if it were a new color- if it stays white it's not the end of the world. Never mind the fact that the colors I'm looking at for in there are the lightest versions of beige, tan and peach out there. I'm also probably not terribly concerned with that room yet because I don't have my heart set on any of those colors.

There are less than 100 days left. That my friends is no joke. Time for us to get a move on.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I am the slug

I don't know if I'm getting the sleepies early, or if I'm going to use this as an I TOLD YOU SO about my pregnancy progress... I'm feeling the 3rd trimester energy vortex. I want naps. I want snooze buttons.

The days that I have to go to work or run around kill me. I know that we're in the home stretch now, so that's got me excited. But this sloth/slug stuff has got to go. We have a lot to do still. And there's a lot that I wanted to get squared away before we became a 3-some. Some days I think my love of naps is going to destroy my to do list- and that makes me a little sad. I did manage to pick out a paint color for her room as well as start painting a lamp for the room. It doesn't feel like much progress at this point, but I know that as long as I can keep knocking little things off we should be ok.

But for now I'll keep doing what I can and take naps as often as I can.