Thursday, August 13, 2009

I never was a patient child.

Responde s'il vous plait?


Waiting for some of these is KILLING me. I know the status of most of mine. But well let's just say Matthew has his fair share of friends and family not currently reporting. And at this rate we won't be making our room minimum and we'll be inviting strangers!

In other news the hotel block has be released back into the hotel. So you may still get a discounted rate if you call. But you may not. So get on the bandwagon kids!

I'm finding things to occupy my time while I wait though. Finally getting around to making sails and the rest of the masts. I keep burning CD's for the DJ. I should stop burning a new copy every time I add something to the play list in iTunes. I made a list of everything that we each need to pack for the hotel. I even made schedules! Mostly so that I don't have to have 400 people calling me the day of asking me where I am or where I'm going. I also wanted to see it all laid out for my own sanity. I need to know that everything is going to get done- and I'd like to know on what time table.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


People have complained that they can't seem to find us, even after hiding Wish Lists etc. So here I am to provide you with links that will take you straight to the registry.



...Tupperware won't let me give you a link. Sorry.

Deep breath.

Most people who know me will find what I am about to tell you all unbelievable. I don't care about the little shit anymore. Yes it would be really nice to make welcome bags for all of our out of town guests, but that could/would get expensive. And I don't really have any anal retention left to find the perfect things to stick in said bags. Mind you, if I find myself bored the week or two before the Wedding I'll be making them. But it's not in my immediate plan. Hell, I still haven't ordered our cake OR our rings. But my dress is fitted and paid for, he's been fitted for his tux, the photographer is paid for. RSVP's are slow but steady. I think I've got everything I need. So with that said: I'm done. D-U-N, done. No more stressing out about Wedding crap. Because really, in the end it's all crap. I won't die without it. The important points are covered.

I'm sure I'll order a cake, so don't worry about that. It's just that getting into South Buffalo is sometimes hard for me. I've taken deep breath after breath since I picked up my dress Saturday. I don't think I really need anything else from this Wedding. I just want to wear my big dress and dance. And I think that just knowing that my dress is safe and sound at Aunt Karen's does something for the crazy half of my brain. So now for, I dance, breathe and wait.

Dancing through life,
Skimming the surface,
Gliding where turf is smooth.
Life's more painless,
For the brainless.
Why think too hard?
When it's so soothing,
Dancing through life.
No need to tough it
When you can sluff it off as I do.
Nothing matters.