Thursday, December 13, 2012

No french fries makes Gillian go something something...

Rather than answer everyone's messages individually, I'm posting here. Unconventional? Maybe. Convenient? Absolutely.

At an appointment a few weeks ago they saw a few things that were cause for a more thorough exam and possibly more testing. During the ultrasound they saw 4 fibroids and there was some concern about the Bean's kidneys. The fibroids may mean nothing; because of their size and location they may mean surgery, preterm delivery or both. We won't have an answer to most of our questions until some time in early 2013. For now we have Plan A and Plan B.

Bean has an enlarged left kidney. With no obvious cause the theory is that because I'm retaining water, the bean is being forced to do the same. My kidneys are used to running all of the time, so I can process extra fluids etc without much of an issue. The Bean is still dependant on me for lots of little things, so most organs are still trying to figure out what to do with everything while in practice mode. The hope is that we'll be able to reduce the kidney's size by me reducing my salt intake while increasing the amount of water I drink. Once again there is no way for us to know if my efforts have done anything positive until January.

All of this means more doctors visits for me and more ultrasounds. All of this has left me in a position that I hate. Passive. It's a whole lot of waiting from here on out. Yes I can alter my diet but to me, just doing that doesn't seem like I'm doing a whole hell of a lot. It only gets worse when I keep hearing "...try to take it easy."

I was in the process of making cutie little things to mail out to people letting them know Boy or Girl, but that ship has sailed. I don't really have the energy to put all of that nonsense together anymore. The beans should be spilled by tonight, don't you worry.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Now with more busy

If we're not friends, you don't know.

The last Bobs will be here sometime next spring.

Consider this your final warning.