Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Don't tell me you missed me

Today, was a day in which being an adult... sucked. Surely it's all crap that will fade, but never truly disappear. Which, in my opinion, is the worst crap of all.

Today, I felt sad and angry for my children, for my husband and lastly myself. It took watching Home for the 236th time for it to hit me, and it hit hard.

If you want to have me in your life, make a little space for me. If you want my husband in your life... make a bigger space for him; he needs more room to sit. That's all it takes. A little space to sit and mingle in. A space for us to share interests, ideas, jokes, anecdotes. I won't ask you to make time for any of us, because what you do with your time is truly your business. I just ask for a little space. A space to store memories of me. A space for gestures of love and caring- big or small. It hurts me to think that someone might think that my husband or my children might not be worthy of that space. A space that, they probably weren't using anyways.

I was going to get loud and angry, but that won't fix it. It will make me feel better in the short term, what good is that? If I change my mind, I'll have plenty more opportunities to get loud or angry- or both.

It hurts me to think that my children could have more, if it weren't for self absorbed adults. It angers me to think that there is no real solution to this.I'll be sad-mad about it all for now, but it won't last long.

My only hope is that when I'm done feeling sad-mad, I can remember the feeling.

I'm through with doubt
There's nothing left for me to figure out
I've paid a price, and I'll keep paying